
All passengers arriving in Jamaica are required to present their passport, along with the completed Customs Declaration Form (C5) to a Customs Officer for processing.  They should respond truthfully to all questions and accurately declare what is in their possession. This includes a requirement to report any food, plant, animal products, monetary instruments (cash, cheques, money orders) USD$10,000, its equivalent or more. 

Each passenger arriving at the port of entry is subjected to: 

  1. An interview relating to the purpose of your trip and personal background;
  2. Examination of baggage by Jamaica Customs officers to ensure border security and the protection of revenue.

If instructed to, it is your responsibility to:

  1. Place your baggage on the trestle (examination area)
  2. Open & unpack
  3. Repack & close




Each passenger 18 years and older is entitled to receive duty concessions in respect of the following:

  • US$1,000 Duty Free Allowance on personal and household effects not for resale and not in commercial quantity.
  • Instruments and tools to be used for the purpose of their profession, trade, occupation or employment, provided that the items have been in the passengers’ possession and bonafide use for a minimum of six (6) months.

In addition, passengers and crew members are entitled to import free of duty:

  • 200 sticks of cigarettes or 50 sticks of cigars or 230g of Tobacco
  • 1 litre of Spirits; 1 litre of Wine
  • 170 ml of Perfumed Spirits and 340 ml of Toilet Water.


Red Channel


Use the Red Line (Items to be declared) when:

  • The value of goods being imported exceeds US$1,000.00 and/or the duty free allowance.
  • Travelling with monetary instrument US$10000.00 and above
  • You have unaccompanied baggage (goods sent via air/sea freight within 2 months of travel)
  • Travelling with restricted items
  •  Importing commercial goods and or samples
  • Unsure of the value of the contents of your baggage
  • Goods are being re-imported
  • Goods are being imported for temporary use (3 months or less).


Green Channel:


When to use the Green Line (Nothing to be declared):

  1. Passenger 18 years and over travelling with personal goods not exceeding us$1,000.00 and the duty free allowance.             
  2. If items (1-8) above is not applicable


Allowance for Unaccompanied Baggage:


  1. Any unused portion of the duty free allowance of US$1,000 can be used for unaccompanied baggage.
  2. A physical form (C27/yellow form) is no longer issued; this allowance will be added electronically on arrival and accessed at the port of clearance.
  3. The allowance is valid for two (2) months before or after travel.


Money and Monetary Instruments:



Passengers may bring into or take out of Jamaica money and monetary instruments; however, there are guidelines and parameters to be followed. If you are travelling with USD$10,000 or more, or its equivalent, you are required to:

  1. declare same to the Jamaica Customs Agency on your Immigration/Customs Declaration Form (I/C5);
  2. complete the Financial Investigation Division Cross Border Form (provided by a Customs Officer);
  3. provide proof of source;
  4. declare intended use of funds. 

Failure to comply with these requirements will result in a breach of the Jamaica Customs Act, subject to fines and penalties.


Prohibited and Restricted Items:


Useful tips:

It is advisable not to carry a package for any one you do not know, but, if you do, make sure you know what's inside the package. Do not attempt to import or export weapons, ammunition or illicit drugs, e.g. cocaine, marijuana, heroin, methamphetamine.

Registration of items for export and subsequent re-importation:

Items that are being sent abroad for repairs, tradeshows, tournaments etc.  should be registered.  Upon, re-importation, the form should be presented along with the item and the invoice for all repairs done.  If the item(s) were repaired/replaced the invoice should be presented to facilitate the collection of duty and taxes.

If the item(s) was repaired, duty and taxes are calculated on the cost of repairs.

If the item(s) was replaced, duty and taxes are calculated on the cost of the new item. An application for refund of duties previously paid on the old item can then be submitted for processing, with all supporting documents.

Know before you go:

Passengers leaving the Island with their personal items with an intention to return with same are advised to present the item (s) for registration with the Customs Duty Office at the airport.

This is a one-time registration, with a validity period of five (5) years.  The form should be retained and presented each time you travel with the item(s), to avoid being assessed duty and taxes.


Temporary Import:


Commercial Samples

 A deposit (equivalent to full duty and taxes) is required for all commercial samples provided that the items will be re-exported.  A full refund will be given once all the items are presented for re-exportation.


Items for declaration must be accompanied by an invoice and should be listed on the Customs Declaration Form (C5). Passengers over 18 years are required to complete their own Declaration Form.

Members of the same family should use one Customs Declaration (i.e. parents, children under 18 years and spouse). Payment of duties, may be made using cash (local currency), Managers Cheques all major credit cards and debit cards accepted with the exception of American Express and Bank of America Card.



About us

Mission Statement
To facilitate trade, protect our borders, optimise revenue collection, through collaborative border management and delivery of high quality customer services and to develop and maintain a team of motivated professional and competent staff.


Jamaica Customs Agency

Customs House
Myers Wharf,
Newport East, Kingston 15
Phone: 876 922 5140-8 | 922 8770-3

Corporate Office
2-4 King Street, Kingston
Phone: 876 948 5151

Opening Hours
Monday - Thursday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Friday: 8:00am - 4:00pm

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