Online Public Forum on Incentives and Productive Inputs Relief

Focus: Online Public Forum on Incentives and Productive Inputs Relief 

Theme: Incentives and Productive Inputs Relief - Who Stands to Benefit?


The Jamaica Customs Agency will, on Thursday, October 14, 2021, host its 'Triple C' Series - 'Click, Connect and Converse with Customs,' with focus on Incentives and Productive Inputs Relief (PIR).  Key emphasis for this forum, will be on primary producers and manufacturers, particularly micro and medium-sized enterprises.  The forum is slated to begin at 10:00 a.m. and last up to midday. 

The forum will seek to demystify and clarify any misunderstanding about who can benefit from incentives and PIR. Therefore, the main presentation will include legislation governing incentives and PIR, the criteria/requirements to benefit, the application process and procedures, categories of beneficiaries, types of incentives available, etc. As is customary, the forum will include staff, external stakeholders - local and overseas, and private and public sector entities.  

The registration for this forum will be done by way of the JCA's website and as such I am soliciting your help to establish the registration portal to facilitate same this Thursday. For the most part, except for the topic and theme, all other fields remain the same. Please see the following verbiage and guide for your perusal. I will also ask Mr. Williams to establish and provide you with the link for the portal before hand. 

Click here for the presentation.

'Jamaica Customs - Keeping Our Customers in Focus' 

#CustomsCares #CustomsConnectingwithCustomers



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Mission Statement
To facilitate trade, protect our borders, optimise revenue collection, through collaborative border management and delivery of high quality customer services and to develop and maintain a team of motivated professional and competent staff.


Jamaica Customs Agency

Customs House
Myers Wharf,
Newport East, Kingston 15
Phone: 876 922 5140-8 | 922 8770-3

Corporate Office
2-4 King Street, Kingston
Phone: 876 948 5151

Opening Hours
Monday - Thursday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Friday: 8:00am - 4:00pm

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