Jamaica Customs Keeps Jamaican Diaspora in Focus: Remains Committed to Assisting Returning Residents to Jamaica

The Jamaica Customs Agency (JCA) continues to keep our Jamaican Diaspora community in focus, and therefore reminds all Returning Residents that items which are exempt from taxes and Customs duties under the Second Schedule of the Customs Act must not be imported into Jamaica for sale, or for commercial exchange.

Adult nationals of Jamaica, who have resided outside of the country for no less than three (3) consecutive years and are returning to the island permanently, are termed Returning Residents and are exempt from paying duties and taxes on categories of household effects and tools/machinery/instruments/equipment, in relation to their trade.

Items to be imported, new or used, should quantify in relation to domestic or personal use and must be imported up to six (6) months before or after the Returning Resident has returned to Jamaica. This timeline may be extended upon the approval by the CEO/Commissioner of Customs.

Additionally, a Jamaican national, who wish to gain the status of a Returning Resident, should visit the JCA’s website and complete the relevant online application. Once successful, an Exemption Notice will be provided to the Returning Resident, valid for six (6) months.

The provision also exempts spouses of Returning Residents, who intend to permanently reside in Jamaica. However, if the Returning Resident and the spouse arrive in Jamaica at the same time or within three years of each other, they would receive only one exemption.

As a valued stakeholder group, Returning Residents have the commitment of the Jamaica Customs Agency to continue improving its business processes, as the agency has implemented new procedures to make the application and approval process more efficient. Returning Residents are therefore reminded to assist in making the process as smooth as possible, by providing any relevant documentation as may be required by the agency.

For more information, you may contact the JCA by telephone: toll-free at 1-888-287-8667, (876)922-5140-8, (876)922-8770-3, (876)948-7849, or by email at: quick.response@jca.gov.jm, public.relations@jca.gov.jm.

Generated by: The Public Relations Unit, JCA




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Mission Statement
To facilitate trade, protect our borders, optimise revenue collection, through collaborative border management and delivery of high quality customer services and to develop and maintain a team of motivated professional and competent staff.


Jamaica Customs Agency

Customs House
Myers Wharf,
Newport East, Kingston 15
Phone: 876 922 5140-8 | 922 8770-3

Corporate Office
2-4 King Street, Kingston
Phone: 876 948 5151

Opening Hours
Monday - Thursday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Friday: 8:00am - 4:00pm

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